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Hemorrhoids Specialist

Mit Shah, MD -  - Gastroenterology Practice

Mit Shah, MD

Gastroenterology Practice located in Bayside, Queens, NY

While sitting down, hemorrhoids can cause pain or discomfort that disrupts your ability to rest comfortably. Fortunately, they are a treatable problem. Residents living in and around Queens, New York, can find complete care for hemorrhoids through the care of Mit Shah, MD, at The Gastroenterology Practice. Dr. Shah provides both conservative care and minimally invasive treatments for hemorrhoids. To schedule an appointment for hemorrhoids, call the office or book online today.

Hemorrhoids Q & A

What are hemorrhoids?

Hemorrhoids are dilated veins in and around your anus and lower rectum. External hemorrhoids develop in the skin surrounding your anus, while internal hemorrhoids exist entirely inside the lining of your anus and lower rectum. 

What are the symptoms of hemorrhoids?

Hemorrhoid symptoms can vary with the type of hemorrhoid, including: 

External hemorrhoids

External hemorrhoids can cause extreme itching, lumps around your anus, a burning sensation, and discomfort when you’re sitting. 

Internal hemorrhoids

Internal hemorrhoids don’t usually cause discomfort, but they may cause bright red bleeding during bowel movements, and you may feel the hemorrhoids bulging out of your anus during bowel movements. An internal hemorrhoid can potentially prolapse (which pushes outside the anus and can’t return to its place) and cause severe pain.

Blood clots can form in both internal and external hemorrhoids (thrombosis). A thrombosed hemorrhoid can be quite painful. 

Why do I have hemorrhoids?

The primary cause of hemorrhoids is pressure on the veins in the rectal area. Some specific causes of this pressure include: 


  • Chronic constipation
  • Chronic diarrhea
  • Straining when passing stool
  • Sitting on the toilet for long periods
  • Extra weight
  • Pregnancy
  • Frequent heavy lifting
  • A low-fiber diet, leading to harder stools and straining to pass stool

You’re also more likely to develop hemorrhoids as you age. This is likely due to weakening and stretching in the tissues supporting your veins. 

How are hemorrhoids treated?

At The Gastroenterology Practice, Dr. Shah determines what type of hemorrhoids you have and discusses underlying factors that caused it. Then, he recommends a treatment plan that can eliminate your current hemorrhoids while preventing their return. 

Some medical treatments for hemorrhoids include:

The specific treatment approach depends on the type of hemorrhoid, whether you have any complications (like a prolapsed hemorrhoid), and your current symptoms. 

After hemorrhoid removal, living a healthy lifestyle is the best way to prevent the problem from returning. Dr. Shah may recommend lifestyle changes such as: 

  • Weight management
  • High-fiber diet
  • Stool softeners
  • Increasing water intake
  • Avoiding bad habits like straining and sitting on the toilet for long periods

To schedule an appointment for hemorrhoids, call The Gastroenterology Practice in Queens, New York, or book online today.